Data Lake Delta Files

Socotra supports the replication of Data Lake tables to your own data infrastructure via a series of delta files. Appropriately permissioned API clients can list and retrieve the relevant files via a pair of endpoints optimized for programmatic consumption.

Getting Started with Data Lake Delta Files


Delta File generation is not enabled by default. Contact your Socotra representative for onboarding details.


Consuming the Socotra Data Lake Delta file API involves a recursive, two-step process:

  1. Get an index of available files for a given table.

  2. Retrieve the necessary individual files.

The delta files are provided in sql format, containing all requisite upsert statements to replicate table records in the correct format and order.

In order to ensure a complete and accurate replication, all delta files for a given table’s latest schema version must be consumed, and in the order in which they are presented within the index.

While each delta file enumerated in the index array will include metadata related to the generation of that file’s contents, it is not recommended to rely on that metadata to derive the correct order of consumption. The system handles and guarantees this via the ordering of the files in the index array.


There may be more delta files available than can be returned in a single index response. See the section on pagination below.

Schema Versioning

Since the schema of any source Data Lake table may evolve over time, each table consumed via the Delta File API has a corresponding version number. The version number is a sequentially incrementing integer.

When a source table schema update occurs, a new schema version is automatically made available in the Delta File API, and all historical data is regenerated into the newest version. Historical versions will remain available, but updated delta files will not be generated for it.

For each table’s schema version, files containing the requisite drop and create statements are also provided.

On first consumption of the Delta File API, the create statement will be needed. The drop and create files will be used in sequence when a new table schema version becomes available.


The number of files available for a specific table and schema version may vary based on data volume and growth rate. The Index API response is limited to 100 Delta files per request. If more than 100 files exist, the consuming client must paginate through results.

To ensure complete indexing, use the lastFile parameter in the Delta File Index API request to continue retrieving additional files beyond the initial response.

Client Example

A sample client implementation, illustrating how to consume the API programmatically, will be available in a future release.

File Index API

Clients can retrieve an index of the available files for a particular Data Lake table using the Fetch List of Delta Files endpoint.

tenantLocator uuid
transformationTable Enum DataLakeAccountDataExtensions | DataLakeAccounts | DataLakeBillingHolds | DataLakeDelinquencies | DataLakeDisbursementDataExtensions | DataLakeDisbursements | DataLakeInstallments | DataLakeInvoiceItems | DataLakeInvoices | DataLakePaymentDataExtensions | DataLakePayments | DataLakePolicies | DataLakePolicyAutoRenewals | DataLakePolicyCoverageTerms | DataLakePolicyDataExtensions | DataLakePolicyElementCharges | DataLakePolicyElements | DataLakePolicyElementTree | DataLakePolicyElementUnderwritingFlags | DataLakePolicyPreferences | DataLakePolicySegments | DataLakePolicyTerms | DataLakePolicyTransactionChangeInstructions | DataLakePolicyTransactions | DataLakeQuoteCoverageTerms | DataLakeQuoteDataExtensions | DataLakeQuoteElementCharges | DataLakeQuoteElements | DataLakeQuoteElementTree | DataLakeQuoteElementUnderwritingFlags | DataLakeQuotes | DataLakeWriteOffs

startTime int?
deltaFileType Enum? sql
lastFile string?
version int?

Sample DeltaFilesGetRequest

    // required
    "tenantLocator": "b6f8aa30-b978-4934-bef3-627XXXXXXXXX",

    // optional
    "deltaFileType": "sql",
    "version": 0,

    // optional, mutually exclusive
    // "startTime":1734542240221,
    "lastFile": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/2025/March/b6f8aa30-b978-4934-bef3-627b0e6edd88_DataLakeInvoices_1451606100_1741713134734.sql",

Request Property





Locator of source tenant



Name of the desired Data Lake table


enum (sql)

Optional (intended to support for more file formats in the future)



Target a specific schema version; defaults to latest if omitted


Unix timestamp (UTC ms)

Files in returned index will all have a generationTime later than startTime



Only return files after this file in the index will be returned

createTableFile string
dropTableFile string
s3Bucket string
version int
deltaFiles DeltaFile[]

Sample DeltaFilesGetResponse

    "version": 0,
    "createTableFile": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/createTable.sql",
    "dropTableFile": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/dropTable.sql",
    "s3Bucket": "socotra-kernel-develop-dm-delta",
    "deltaFiles": [
            "deltaFileType": "sql",
            "fileName": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/2025/March/b6f8aa30-b978-4934-bef3-627b0e6edd88_DataLakeInvoices_1451606100_1741713134934.sql",
            "jobStartTime": 1451606100,
            "jobEndTime": 1741582882,
            "generationTime": 1741713134934
            "deltaFileType": "sql",
            "fileName": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/2025/March/b6f8aa30-b978-4934-bef3-627b0e6edd88_DataLakeInvoices_1451606100_1741713135163.sql",
            "jobStartTime": 1451606100,
            "jobEndTime": 1741582882,
            "generationTime": 1741713135163
            "deltaFileType": "sql",
            "fileName": "DataLakeInvoices/version_0/2025/March/b6f8aa30-b978-4934-bef3-627b0e6edd88_DataLakeInvoices_1451606100_1741713135490.sql",
            "jobStartTime": 1451606100,
            "jobEndTime": 1741582882,
            "generationTime": 1741713135490

Request Property





Target a specific schema version, defaults to latest if omitted



Path & name of file with necessary sql statement to create the table in the destination schema



Path & name of file with necessary sql statement to drop the existing version of the table in the destination schema



The source S3 bucket required for the file retrival request


string array

The index of individual files

File Retrieval API

Clients can retrieve an index of available files for a particular Data Lake table using the Fetch List of Delta Files endpoint. The response will be a streamed file StreamingResponseBody<string>.

tenantLocator uuid
transformationTable Enum DataLakeAccountDataExtensions | DataLakeAccounts | DataLakeBillingHolds | DataLakeDelinquencies | DataLakeDisbursementDataExtensions | DataLakeDisbursements | DataLakeInstallments | DataLakeInvoiceItems | DataLakeInvoices | DataLakePaymentDataExtensions | DataLakePayments | DataLakePolicies | DataLakePolicyAutoRenewals | DataLakePolicyCoverageTerms | DataLakePolicyDataExtensions | DataLakePolicyElementCharges | DataLakePolicyElements | DataLakePolicyElementTree | DataLakePolicyElementUnderwritingFlags | DataLakePolicyPreferences | DataLakePolicySegments | DataLakePolicyTerms | DataLakePolicyTransactionChangeInstructions | DataLakePolicyTransactions | DataLakeQuoteCoverageTerms | DataLakeQuoteDataExtensions | DataLakeQuoteElementCharges | DataLakeQuoteElements | DataLakeQuoteElementTree | DataLakeQuoteElementUnderwritingFlags | DataLakeQuotes | DataLakeWriteOffs

startTime int?
deltaFileType Enum? sql
lastFile string?
version int?

See Also