Deprecated API Items


The following entities, parameters, and properties have been marked as deprecated, which means you should avoid using them. They will be removed in future releases.


GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/policies/{locator}/list

GET /billing/{tenantLocator}/jobs/invoices/quotes/{locator}/list

PATCH /policy/{tenantLocator}/policies/{locator}/billingTrigger

GET /policy/{tenantLocator}/policies/snapshot/list

GET /policy/{tenantLocator}/quotes/list

GET /policy/{tenantLocator}/transactions/{locator}/segments/{segmentLocator}

GET /policy/{tenantLocator}/transactions/{locator}/segments/list


Account Response

In AccountResponse:

  • Property state is deprecated.

Billing Plan Ref

In BillingPlanRef:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.

Billing Trigger Update Request

Charge Ref

In ChargeRef:

  • Property displayName is deprecated.

Configuration Ref

In ConfigurationRef:

  • Property billingPlans is deprecated.

  • Property defaultAnchorMode is deprecated.

  • Property defaultBillingLevel is deprecated.

  • Property defaultBillingPlan is deprecated.

  • Property defaultBillingTrigger is deprecated.

  • Property defaultDueLeadDays is deprecated.

  • Property defaultGenerateLeadDays is deprecated.

  • Property defaultLapseType is deprecated.

  • Property defaultRegion is deprecated.

Document Job Info

In DocumentJobInfo:

  • Property state is deprecated.

Document Summary

In DocumentSummary:

  • Property state is deprecated.

Element Ref

In ElementRef:

  • Property pluralType is deprecated.

Params Change Instruction Create Request

In ParamsChangeInstructionCreateRequest:

  • Property billingModeChange is deprecated.

  • Property inheritSettings is deprecated.

Params Change Instruction Response

In ParamsChangeInstructionResponse:

  • Property billingModeChange is deprecated.

  • Property inheritSettings is deprecated.

Policy Response

In PolicyResponse:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.

Policy Transaction Response

In PolicyTransactionResponse:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.

Product Ref

In ProductRef:

  • Property defaultBillingPlan is deprecated.

  • Property pluralType is deprecated.

Quick Quote Price Response

In QuickQuotePriceResponse:

  • Property state is deprecated.

Quote Create Request

In QuoteCreateRequest:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.

Quote Response

In QuoteResponse:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.

Quote Update Request

In QuoteUpdateRequest:

  • Property billingTrigger is deprecated.