Socotra User Interface

This page describes instructions for accessing Socotra’s next-generation user interface, released on May 26, 2021. It will be continually updated to support new Socotra features, and to improve the user experience.


Each Socotra environment, such as the shared sandbox environment, can host the user interface. At login, you will need to specify the tenant name so that the specific tenant you wish to use is selected.

For sandbox accounts, you can log in at with your normal username and password, and enter your tenant name, such as This will take you to the Dashboard, where you can review data metrics for your tenant, search for data, or via the menu bar you can create policy and claims transactions.

For non-sandbox accounts, please contact your account representative. You will be notified of the exact URL to use to access the login screen.

Limitations on Legacy Cancellations

The new UI does not support legacy cancellations. All cancellation and reinstatement operations must be performed with the new cancellations and reinstatements feature.


The latest cancellation functionality is enabled by including a cancellations.json file for each product. If you do not have this file configured for your product, invoking cancellations functionality from the new user interface could cause unpredicable results.


This UI does not support these feature flags being turned off. These flags are currently deprecated and should be set to true before their removal:

  • Quotes for New Business:

  • Quotes for Endorsements and Renewals: property.quotes.for.endorsements.and.renewals.enabled

This can be done simply in the configuration file config.json, for example:

  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "currency": "USD",
  "features": {
    "": true,
    "property.quotes.for.endorsements.and.renewals.enabled": true

Legacy User Interface

The older Socotra UI has a capability for modifying styles called CSS Injection. See the CSS Injection feature guide for details and usage.