Reports are available through both the UI and the API. All reports are defined out-of-the-box. No configuration is required. Historical reports will produce the same results every time they are run.
See the Reporting API topic for information about retrieving reports from the API.
All dates are treated as midnight (00:00:00) in your instance’s time zone.
Financial Transactions Report
Shows all invoice line items posted between the requested times. Use this report to book journal entries on an accrual basis in a General Ledger system, or to get a comprehensive view of the financials for a given line or policy.
Input is a range of transaction posting times
All posted transactions are shown, even for unissued invoices and policies
Each row represents an invoice line item, though the invoices in question may not be issued yet
For policies on an installment payment schedule, financial transactions will be split, one per billing period.
Paid Financial Transactions Report
Shows only financial transactions from paid invoices. Otherwise, this report is the same as the Financial Transactions Report.
On-Risk Report
Gives a granular view of all risk assumed by the insurer. Use this report as the basis for building custom reports or for actuarial analysis.
Input is an as-of time for the report
Only issued policies are shown
Each row represents a period of coverage against a given peril with a given set of policy and exposure details.
The coverage shown is in force now or in the future
Any change to coverage, exposure, or policy details (i.e. via an endorsement) will result in the old row falling off the report and being replaced by two or more new rows
The report shows the state of the risk on the as-of time, so it will not reflect endorsements processed after that time
All Issued Policies Report
Gives a granular view of all the policies issued by the insurer during a specified search period.
Input parameters are the start and the end dates of the search period for the report
Each row represents a period of coverage against a given peril with a given set of policy and exposure details.
The coverage shown is in force now or in the future
Any change to coverage, exposure, or policy details (i.e. via an endorsement) will result in the old row falling off the report and being replaced by two or more new rows
The report shows the state of the risk on the as-of time, so it will not reflect endorsements processed after that time
Payable Commissions Report
Returns commissions for premiums paid between the requested times. Socotra tracks which premium generated a given commission.
Input is a range of invoice payment times
Only commissions for paid premiums are shown
Each row represents the total commission payable to a single recipient for a single peril.
Claims Report
Shows all claim files and their status.
Input is the as-of time of the report
Each row represents a claim
All claims in the system at the as-of time are included, with their then-current status
Total loss and expense reserves for the case are included
Claim Reserves Report
Shows the current reserves across all claims in the instance.
Input is the as-of time of the report
Each row represents a subclaim
Loss and expense reserves are shown separately
Claims Payables Report
Shows all claims payables, along with the associated claim and subclaim IDs, and other context relating to the claim payable, for example, Policy ID.
Input is the range within which the payable was created
Each row represents a payable
Reversal information is provided for payables that have been reversed